If You Printed the Internet
While Googling something extremely random, has it ever occurred to you the depth of the internet and how much stuff is actually on there? It’s a scary thought, but definitely, something that scientists are looking into more as we keep on finding new things out – and filling the void with even more information.
Here at TonerGiant we have come up with the logical solution to this curiosity and compiled some gifs to put into relatively understandable numbers to show just how deep we’re talking.
Now, let’s begin with a few figures. From the Earth to the Moon it is exactly 384,400km, so fairly far. From the Earth to the Sun it is 149.6 million km, slightly too far to fathom. Now, according to our research, if we were to print the entire Internet it would take 136 BILLION sheets of A4!
Lining up that paper would build a paper bridge from the Earth to the Moon, not just once, but 107 times, so that’s a fairly sturdy bridge that is 107 sheets of paper thick. However, we can only get a quarter of the way to the sun, so we’ve got a few more years to go before we get there.
Lining up that paper would build a paper bridge from the Earth to the Moon, not just once, but 107 times, so that’s a fairly sturdy bridge that is 107 sheets of paper thick. However, we can only get a quarter of the way to the sun, so we’ve got a few more years to go before we get there.